The Library and Information Division of the College of Dairy Science and Technology (CDST) is the centre for collection, organization and dissemination of information on Dairy science and allied subjects. CDST library is primarily concerned with conservation and dissemination of right knowledge to its users. Library has a collection of about 6000 books and subscribes to 25 print journals, 22 e books, 4 e journals and 8 newspapers and satisfies the information needs of students, faculty and research scholars of the college as well as the University. Library holds a civil service corner having exclusive collection of books for competitive examinations which provides variety learning environment. Online access to the core journals in dairy science and allied subjects is made available through the consortium CeRA (Consortium of e Resources in Agriculture) which include both national and international journals. Theses and dissertations of the various Agricultural Universities can be accessed through Krishikhosh - the institutional repository of the Indian National Agricultural System.
Library is open on all working days between 9.00 A M and 5.00P M.
Library follows Dewey Decimal Classification for classification of books and developed online catalogue using the KOHA software, an open source integrated Library Management software.
Book lending service is provided to all members of the library. Book is issued for a period of 10 days to students and one month for staff and it can be renewed for further two terms. Thus a member can keep a book for a maximum period of one month. The library maintains a separate collection of reference books and these books are issued for overnight reading only. Soft copies of the question papers of earlier years university examination are also made available.