Name: The name of the Association shall be "THE PARENT TEACHER'S ASSOCIATION" of the
College of Dairy Science and Technology, Kerala Veterinary and animal Sciences University,
Office: The Office of the Association shall be located at College Dairy Science and
Technology, Mannuthy.
Objectives: The Objectives of the Association shall be
- To foster and promote good relationship
among the members of the Teaching staff, students
and parents/guardians of the students.
- To create in its members a keen interest
for the smooth functioning and the Progress of the
College and for maintaining good discipline and high Academic standards.
- To promote better participation of the parents/guardians in the various programmes of the
- To liaison with the Government and
potential employers to enhance the employment
opportunities of the students of the college.
- To institute scholarships, prizes medals
etc. to benefit students showing proficiency in
their academic pursuit
- To provide support to improve the
amenities to the students of the college.
I) Membership
- The parents/guardians of all the students
on the rolls of the college during an academic year shall be eligible to be members of the
- All teachers of the college including the
Dean/Association Dean shall be ex-officio members of the association.
- The head of the Institution shall be the
patron of the Association.
- When a student is removed from the rolls
of the college the parent/guardian of the student shall ipsofacto cease to be a member of
the Association.
II)Membership fee
The admission fee for membership shall be Rs.4,000/-( Rupees Four thousand only) and is payable
at the time of admission of the student in the college. This amount is non refundable and
subject to revision.:
III) Funds
Admission fee/membership fee, donation, contributions and grants shall constitute the funds of
the association.
IV)General body
- The general body shall be the supreme
authority concerning all matters of the association.
- The general body shall consist of all the
members of the association.
- The general body shall meet at least once
in a year.
- The business to be transacted at the
annual meeting of the General body shall include the following
- To receive the annual report regarding the activities of the Association during the year.
- To approve the audited financial statement of the Association for the year.
- To approve the budget for the ensuing year .
- To elect the office bearers for the ensuing year.
- To appoint two auditors from among the members (one from teachers and the other from
- To consider any amendment to the bye-laws.
- Seven days notice shall ordinarily be given for all meetings
of the general body either by different intimation or by publishing such information in the
local dailies. However,
non receipt of such intimation by any member shall not invalidate any of the proceedings of the
general body meeting.
- The quorum for a general body meeting shall be one sixth of the total number of members of the
If there is no adequate quorum for the General body meeting the same meeting with the same
agenda will be held
at the same time and venue on the next day for which there will not be any further
communications and no quorum will be insisted.
- A special meeting of the general body shall be convened.
- by the President or the Patron under special circumstances or
- at the written requisition of not less than five members of the Executive committee or
- at the written requisition of at least 10% of the total members of the Association.
- The President and in his absence the Vice-President shall preside over all the meetings of the
general body. In the absence of both, Patron shall preside over the meetings.
- All decisions of the general body shall be taken on the basis of a majority of votes. In case
of equality of votes, the President of the meeting shall have a second vote.
- Amendment of the bye-law requires the consent of two third majority of the members present and
voting at the meeting
V)Executive Committee
- The administration of the Association shall vest in an Executive Committee, here in after
referred to as the Committee elected for the purpose.
- The committee shall consist of nine members of which seven shall be elected by the general
body. Of the remaining two members, the Patron and
another Faculty member nominated by the Patron shall be ex-officio members. Not less than
five of the elected members shall represent
the parent/guardians and two, the teaching staff.
- The Committee shall have the following office bearers.
- President
- Vice President
- Secretary
- Treasurer
- Patron will be the ex - officio member of the committee.
- The President and Vice President shall be elected from among the Parent/guardian members of
the Association
- The Secretary and Treasurer shall be elected from among the Teacher members of the
Association. In the absence of Secretary, Treasurer will function as the Secretary.
- The term of office of the committee shall be for a period of one academic year.
- A Committee once elected shall continue to hold office till the end of the academic year or
a new committee assumes charge whichever is later.
- The Committee shall meet at least twice in a Year.
- Three days notice shall ordinarily be given for all committee meetings.
- Special meetings of the committee may be convened by the president on his / her own
initiative or on the written requisition of at least three members of the committee.
- The quorum for a meeting of the committee shall be two-third of the total number of
- All decisions of the committee shall be taken by majority of votes of the members present
and voting.
- Vacancies caused by the death or resignation or otherwise of a committee member shall be
filled in by the committee by co-opting a member from among the members of the Association
for the remaining period.
Powers and Responsibilities of the Executive Committee
The Committee shall have the following powers and responsibilities.
- To manage all the affairs of the Association to incur and meet all necessary expenses and do
all such acts as are not inconsistent with these bye - laws.
- To enlist members.
- To hold meeting of the Committee at least twice in a term or when deemed necessary.
- To scrutinize the annual reports, the audited financial statements for the year and budget
for the ensuing year to be placed before the general body.
- To implement all decisions taken by the general body.
- To suggest amendments to any existing provisions in the bye-laws and to frame new provisions
for consideration of the general body.
VI)Duties of the Office Bearers
- He/ she shall have control over the affairs of the Association and shall preside over all
committee meetings and meetings of the general body.
- He/she shall have powers to convene meetings of the committee and of the general body
either on his own initiative or on the written
requisition of at least three members in the case of the committee and 10% members of the
association or five members of the Committee in the
case of the general body.
Vice - President
In the absence of the President, the Vice-President shall perform all the duties of the
- To enroll the members
- To maintain proper registers and records to keep in safe - custody all official papers of
the Association and to attend
to the day to day correspondence of the Association.
- To convene meeting of the committee or of the General Body when authorized to do so by the
- To keep correct records of the proceedings of all committee and general body meetings.
- He/ she shall have powers to operate the Accounts of the Association jointly with the
Treasurer shall assist the Secretary in all the matters of the Association and assume the
functions of Secretary in his/her absence.
- He/ she shall be the custodian of all the funds of the Association and all connected books
of accounts, receipts books, vouchers, pass books etc.
- He/she shall incur all expenditure of the association as approved by the committee.
- He/ she shall maintain proper records of all receipts and payments and such records shall be
presented before the committee at its meetings
- He / she shall get the annual financial statements prepared and audited and such audited
statements shall be placed before the committee and the general body.
- He/she shall keep in imprest amount of Rs.1,000/- to meet routine expenses. The balance
amount shall be deposited in the branch of the Nationalized Bank.
Shall have powers to convene general body and Executive Committee meetings in time of emergency.
VII) General
The Association shall have a
- Common seal which shall be in the safe custody of the Secretary.
- Any document executed by the Association shall be signed by the President and Secretary .
- In case of any legal proceedings before a court by or against the Association, the
Association shall be represented by the Secretary .
- In case of dissolution of the association at any time by a resolution of the general body
with 2/3 majority , all its records and funds after paying
off the debts shall be transferred to Kerala Veterinary and Animal Sciences University.
- All the provisions of the Travancore-Cochin Literary, Scientific and Charitable Societies
Act, 1955 shall be applicable to this Association.
Not withstanding anything contained in the bye-law of the association it should not go against
the Acts/Statutes/Regulations of the Kerala Veterinary and Animal Sciences University Act from
time to time.
The undersigned here by, declare that this is the true copy of the bye-laws of the Association,
unanimously amended in the Annual general body meeting held on 10-05-14 at the College of Dairy
Science and Technology, Mannuthy..
Sd/- Dean
Sd/- Dr.P.I.Geevarghese
Sd/- Sri.Sasikumar Palliyil